March 15, 2016

SmartView and XML

Our user reported the following error while using SmartView:

XML Load Error: Invalid xml declaration
XML Load Error: Invalid xml declaration
Fortunately this happened after all data had been submitted for month-end close, so I had some time to research the problem.  Unfortunately it happened on Super Bowl Sunday, so there was still a time crunch because nachos wait for no man.  To make the situation weirder the user had been working fine when Excel crashed and after restarting Excel she couldn't log back in.

The error says it is a problem with XML so I started there.  SmartView keeps a few .xml files in the cfg folder.  Properties.xml is just a template for the proprties.xml file that lives in the user profile at AppData\Roaming\Oracle\SmartView.  That file holds the default URL for connecting to the SmartView provider website and the list of previously used URLs.  We tried replacing the user's properties.xml file with the default .xml we distribute to force users to connect to the correct URL.  That didn't help.

SmartView also uses some .xml files on the server end in the folder Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\FinancialManagement\Web\HFMOfficeProvider\TaskList_Config.  I compared those against our development environment and the files checked out.

I searched the Oracle knowledge base but there isn't much information there.  I found one article which indicated this might be a problem with the user provisioning.  I removed the user account from all of the groups, saved it, then added it back to the groups.  But she got the same error when logging in from SmartView.

We use Active Directory domain accounts for access to Hyperion and Essbase so users don't have to remember or sync multiple passwords for multiple accounts.  In desperation we provisioned a native directory account and gave it the same access as the problem Active Directory account.  This provided a temporary work around but what about a permanent solution?

Oracle support provided the answer.  There is a table in the HFM database name <appname>_USERPARMS which holds parameters for each user, where <appname> is the name of the HFM application..  The parameters are stored as hex blobs and some of those blobs are in XML format.  If you see any entry starting with 0x3C that could be the start of an XML entry since 3C is the hex value for the < character which is the first character of any XML string.  The speculation is that when Excel crashed it caused one of these entries to be corrupted.

This also explains why creating a native directory account worked around the issue.  The native account is recognized as a different account and had a different value in the Username field.

Running the command:

DELETE FROM <appname>_USERPARAMS WHERE Username LIKE '<youruser>%'

removed all of the entries for the problem user, replacing <appname> with the name of the HFM application and <youruser> with the username having problems.  The entries got reset to their defaults on the next logon and resolved the user's login issue from SmartView.

Like the EAL and IIS issue, there are other errors that can be resolved with the same technique.  Doc ID 1584266.1 shows that deleting the entries for a user will resolve the error:
Unknown Error in HFMProviderObject reference not set to an instance of an object.

Doc ID 1533030.1 shows that deleting all entries for the user or some specific parameters will resolve the error:
The parameter is incorrect. Error Reference Number: {319B0CB1-3B2D-4963-BB8F-025D2440A15D}

Doc ID 1371461.1 shows that deleting specific keys will resolve the error:
There are no rows to display for the current grid definition

Doc ID 1515682.1 shows that deleting specific keys will resolve the error:
An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator.
Error Number:13
Error Description:Type mismatch
Error Source:Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Page On which Error Occurred:/hfm/mbrsel/mbrsel.asp

All of these problems involve some sort of corruption of one or more of the parameters held in the USERPARMS table; the solution is to remove the offending parameters and let HFM recreate them with the default values.  If someone was really ambitious they could translate the blob from hex to ASCII, determine what was missing, correct the string, translate it back into a hex blob, and update the BLOBData field for that ParameterKey.  But I'm not that ambitious and the quickest path is the supported solution of deleting the records and getting on with your life.

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